Thursday, March 17, 2011

Project C...

Much more pain involved. This project depicted a scene in which my father was away overseas and my mother had another man at the house while assuming I was unaware or sleeping, but a child knows more than a parent would think.

Project B...

This project was a way to incorporate Me as a person, and a frequent hobby of mine which is going to the Shooting Range. I decided to try to take the spent shells and develop a self portrait from that medium.

Project A...

This project had to do with our Body Armor and what we felt would support us if it was all we hadleft. I chose to do a Kaleideoscope and it encompasses what I stand for all wrapped in one project. I believe if I was on my deathbed and could only see through this, it would make everything else bearable for me.

Religion IS Division 2...

Universal World Views...

Religion IS Division 1....

Universal World Religion View....

To The Top...

Regardless of the climb, you gotta make it to the TOP!!!

Worst Situation...

Paratrooper with a ripped parachute and right over a good-ole Bayou Swamp!!!!  Woah